Published since 1923
DOI: 10.33622/0869-7019
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) на платформе Web of Science

Information for Authors Wishing to Publish Articles
in the "Industrial and Civil Engineering" Journal

1. To publish the article in our journal you will need to submit:

  • covering letter-application (download) with the request to publish the article where to note that it has not been published elsewhere and not submitted for publication to other Russian-language publications;
  • electronic version of the article;
  • references (preferably not less than 20 sources) (Russian sources are required to include a transliteration in Latin (, variant BGN)), at that, after the transliterated title of the article or book, the translation of the title of the article or book in English language is given in square brackets. Similarly, for foreign sources, the translation of the titles of articles or books in Russian language is given in square brackets;
  • annotation (150-200 words) and key words (5-10 words or word combinations) in Russian and English;
  • index of UDC;
  • information about the authors in Russian and English: full name and patronymic, surname; place of work or study of each author; address of place of work or study; e-mail addresses for publication in the journal and for sending the article correction, authors' phone numbers for removing questions related to the article (telephone numbers are not published and are used only for the operative decision of arising questions).
  • 2. The article should conform to the themes of the journal. The topic of the article should be relevant to the development of the industry, i.e. contains new content, not previously published, scientific (experimental) result, design solution, practical experience, etc. Research paper should include: introduction, containing an analysis of the current state of the considered problem with appropriate references; the purpose and methodology of the study; description of the study; analysis of results; conclusions. The conclusions should clearly state, whether the goal, formulated in the introduction, has been achieved, prospects of the use of this work (scientific, practical, etc.) also should be defined. Research paper must be written in language accessible to a fairly wide readership. There is a need to use accepted terminology; the introduction of new terms should be clearly substantiated. Recommended article size is 10-12 pages of text in Arial print of 12 points size in one and a half intervals (32 lines per page). The article may be written in Russian or English or be bilingual.

    3. For post-graduates, the fee for the publication of scientific articles is not charged.

    4. Articles that contain formulas and submitted by e-mail, in addition to the word-file must be duplicated with a pdf file, to avoid distortion of formulas.

    5. Units of physical quantities should be brought in line with the International System of Units (SI).

    6. Figures and tables should have titles.

    7. The list of references should contain mainly links to actual scientific works, primarily articles published in the last five years in peer-reviewed scientific periodicals indexed in RINC, Web of Science, Scopus.

    No reference is made to the textbooks and tutorials, popular scientific literature (unless they are the object of study), and author's abstracts and dissertations (if they are not in open access on the Internet). A full description of standards, regulations, decrees, etc. is contained directly in the text of the article at the first mention, further indicate only the number of the document.

    8. It is necessary to avoid unnecessary self-citation, i.e. an excessive number of links to their own works published in various journals. The recommended size of the self-citation is within 20 %.

    9. Accepted manuscripts corresponding to the direction of the journal subjects receive a registration number. Then the editor-in-chief looks through them and submits to the editorial board member and/or another reputable in this field specialist for reviewing. If after evaluation of the manuscript by the Chief Editor and Editorial Board, on the basis of the review obtained, revising the article is required, an e-mail with recommendations for improvement is sent to the author. If the revision is minor, the revised version should be submitted to the editorial office within 15 days, in case of substantial revision - in 30 days. If the article is not received within that period, it shall be deemed withdrawn by the author.

    10. The article, accepted for publication in the terms agreed by the author and editorial office, passes through the adopted in the editorial office process of prepress work, including editing, removing issues with the author, artistic and technical editing, layout, proof reading.

    11. The article layout is sent to the author by e-mail in pdf format for verification and approval. If the author within two days doesn't inform about his comments and not approve the layout, the editorial office can defer the publication.

    12. Author's copies. An electronic version of the journal in pdf format will be sent to foreign authors. Additional copies can be purchased in the editorial office by paying their cost by account (the application is sent by e-mail:

    13. The text of the article must be performed in OpenOffice (.odt ) or MS Word programs. All embedded graphics files must be submitted as separate files: one picture - one graphics format file (not inserted in a separate file of Word format).

    14. Manuscripts that do not meet the listed requirements will not be accepted.

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