To the 100th Anniversary
of "Industrial and Civil Engineering" Journal
The journal was established in 1923 by the decision of decision-making authorities as a scientific-technical and industrial edition: from September 1923 till September 1958 it was entitled "Construction Industry", from October 1958 till May 1992 - "Industrial Construction", and since June 1992 - "Industrial and Civil Engineering" ("PGS").
Its publications have always reflected innovative ideas of science and practice, issues of safety of structures, management and organization of construction works, problems of town planning and architecture, etc. Such leading scientists and practitioners, architects and engineers who made the glory of construction in our country, as V.G. Shukhov, N.P. Melnikov, A.V. Shchusev, A.A. Gvozdev and many others used to publish their works on its pages.
Being the only edition in the field of civil engineering and building materials industry the "PGS" journal has played an important role in restoration of the national economy after the wars and disorganization.
1920s. The journal covered the experience in construction of "house-communes". The country was rising from the ruins of the First World and Civil Wars. The so-called non-contracted construction (self-managing) predominated; construction works were carried out mainly in the warm time of the year.
1930s. During the industrialization the journal's pages were occupied with reports about the commissioning of enterprises of metallurgy, chemistry, machine building, building materials industry, about the construction of cities of Magnitogorsk, Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Nizhny Tagil, Zaporizhstal metallurgical works.
1940s. During the war and post-war years the journal told the readers about the transferring of industrial enterprises to the East of the country and their quickest putting into operation, about new norms and standards for construction under the war time conditions, about the construction of shelters, building the bridges and passages across the rivers, road construction, about rapid urban regeneration, restoration of factories and plants, houses.
1950-1980s. In the period of rapid development of the country the journal covered the creation of the fuel-and-energy complexes (FEC), the industrial base for prospecting and production of oil, gas, non-metallic materials for construction, the erection of the great objects of power engineering, automobile giants on the Volga, the Kama, and in Belarus. At that time a lot of attention was paid to fast and production line construction, a rotational schedule of work organization; advanced methods and technology of building production were introduced.
Remained in the past were the most difficult 1990s, when the focus was not just to save the journal as such, but in the confusion of market transformations not to lose its "face" as an authoritative, professional, scientific-technical, and industrial edition, and save its staff. And it seems that we managed to do it, not without reason, today the journal is included in the List of leading peer reviewed scientific journals, in which the basic scientific results of dissertations for nomination to scientific degrees of the Doctor and Candidate of Sciences in the field of construction and architecture should be published.
2000s. Keeping up with the times, the journal expanded the range of published materials due to inclusion of issues of town-planning, architecture, activities of public and professional organizations, commercial structures, development of new normative and legal documents.
The best forces of science and practice are cooperating with the journal. The Editorial Board of the journal is composed of Doctors and Candidates of Sciences, heads of design and scientific-research organizations and enterprises of construction industry. In different years, the magazine was headed by prominent scientists, heads of ministries and departments.
Themes of our magazine include now many issues of business partnership being, in essence, a connecting link between science, practice and business. Our founders, the members of the Russian Society of Engineers of Construction (ROIS) and the Russian Academy of Engineering (RIA), exert a great influence on the thematic scope of the publication. The main goals and objectives of ROIS and the construction sector of RIA, and therefore also of our magazine, are to promote the development of investment-construction activities in Russia, the development of construction science, enhancement of the role of the Russian engineering intelligentsia and the prestige of the profession of an engineer-builder, the development of integration of science achievements into the world community.
Taking into account the composition of authors the journal long ago became international: scientists and specialists from Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bulgaria, Vietnam, Germany, Iran, Kazakhstan, China, Lithuania, Poland, Tajikistan, Ukraine, Finland, Czech Republic published their articles in it.
Our edition fruitfully co-operates with the Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences (RAASN), the Moscow State University of Civil Engineering, the Saint-Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, the Central Research Institute of Industrial Buildings, the Steel Structures Research and Engineering Institute named after Melnikov, the V.A. Kucherenko Central Scientific Research Institute for Building Structures, the Moscow Research and Design Institute of Typology and Experimental Design, Mosproject-2 named after M.V. Posokhin, the Production and Research Institute for Engineering Survey in Construction, the Moscow State Automobile and Road Technical University and many other organizations of Moscow, Moscow Region and other regions of Russia.
In its jubilee years the journal conducted "round tables", reported to broad readership, received many greetings from prominent scientists, heads of construction complexes, statesmen.
"Your journal is well-known to specialists and workers of the construction industry. For a long time, one of its mind-readers has always been myself".
(B.N. Eltsin, the first President of RF, 1998)
"Your edition has passed the test of time, wars, peaceful respites, extreme conditions. This points to the fact that the highly skilled creative team, carrying all the new and effective to the building masses, worked and works at the editorial board and the editorial staff".
(V.I. Resin, the First Deputy Mayor of Moscow, 2008)
"Today, the journal is a main reference material in the technical problems of construction for us, architects".
(Yu.P. Grigoriev, the First Deputy Chief Architect of Moscow, Creative Head of MNIITEP)
"The high intellectual potential of the edition attracts prominent scientists, great specialists of the construction complex, famous architects, eminent engineers of the construction sphere to it".
(B.V. Gusev, President of the Russian Academy of Engineering)
"It (journal "PGS") has become a vivid chronicle, reflecting the history of development of the construction complex of the country in the XX century. Reacting operatively to specific problems of construction, elucidating the achievements of scientific-technical progress, the advanced domestic and foreign experience, the journal gained well-deserved authority and recognition of builders, and a wide range of readers".
(M.Yu. Lesin, Minister of Press, Broadcasting and Mass Communications, 2003).
For active scientific-technical activity the journal "PGS" is marked by dozens of diplomas and honorary diplomas of the government of Moscow, the Union of Architects of Russia, the Ministry of building complex of Moscow Region and others.
In connection with the 85th anniversary from the date of publication of the first issue the journal was awarded with the highest engineering award of the country - the order of "Engineering Glory" by the Russian Academy of Engineering "For outstanding services for the Russian scientific and engineering community".
The journal "PGS" is distributed only by subscription in Russia, countries of CIS and outside the former Soviet Union. In addition to the printed version of the journal, you can subscribe to the electronic version of current issues, and also to its archives beginning from 2009.