Published since 1923
DOI: 10.33622/0869-7019
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) на платформе Web of Science

  • A Comprehensive Methodology For Forecasting An Enlarged Schedule Of Costs For The Implementation Of Large-Scale Urban Projects
  • UDC 711.4-168:69.003:658.152
    doi: 10.33622/0869-7019.2022.11.38-44
    Sergey V. ARGUNOV1,
    Sergey A. SEMENOV1,
    Yaroslav S. ARGUNOV2
    1 Scientific Design Center "City Development", Prospekt Mira, 19, str. 3, Moscow 129090, Russian Federation
    2 Moscow Analytical Center, Novy Arbat ul., 11, str. 1, Moscow 119019, Russian Federation
    Abtract. A method of integrated enlarged calculation of capital construction costs has been developed, which is based on the volume indicators of capital construction formed at the stage of preparation of urban planning documentation, the marginal values of the cost of production and sales of a unit of volume. The algorithm of complex distribution of costs by years of capital construction is given. The methodology implements cost accounting for the construction and demolition of residential buildings, the construction of commercial facilities, social and transport infrastructure. The presented methods and algorithms have been tested in Moscow on the example of a Housing Renovation Program. It is established that these methods and algorithms can be used for an early comprehensive assessment of the volume of costs in the implementation of large-scale capital construction projects. In addition, their use makes it possible to reasonably estimate costs in the long term.
    Keywords: consolidated cost calculation, consolidated schedule forecasting, large-scale capital construction projects, limit values, volume indicators, renovation, efficiency
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  • For citation: Argunov S. V., Semenov S. A., Argunov Ya. S. A Comprehensive Methodology for Forecasting an Enlarged Schedule of Costs for the Implementation of Large-Scale Urban Projects. Promyshlennoe i grazhdanskoe stroitel'stvo [Industrial and Civil Engineering], 2022, no. 11, pp. 38-44. (In Russ.). doi: 10.33622/0869-7019.2022.11.38-44