- Monitoring And Analysis Of Regulatory Documents On The Design Of Structures With Due Regard For The Progressive Collapse
- UDC 624.046:539.4(083.75) DOI: 10.33622/0869-7019.2021.12.15-21
Pavel G. YEREMEYEV, e-mail:
Irina V. LEBEDEVA, e-mail:
Research Center of Construction, Research Institute of Building Constructions (TSNIISK) named after V. A. Koucherenko, 2-ya Institutskaya ul., 6, Moscow 109428, Russian Federation
Abstract. The analysis of Russian and foreign regulatory and technical documents containing requirements for protection of buildings and structures from progressive collapse is carried out. Excessive and contradictory requirements of various regulatory documents of the Russian Federation on this problem have been identified. Proposals have been prepared for their elimination and harmonization between the Russian and international standards and regulatory technical documents. The main provisions on the rules of designing buildings and structures of various structural systems and functional purposes in an emergency design situation are considered, including issues of limiting states of structures, corresponding loads, actions and their combinations, recommendations on safety and methods of protecting of buildings and structures from progressive collapse.
Key words: progressive collapse, monitoring, standards, regulatory documents, design rules. - REFERENCES
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