- Calculation Of Stone Walls Under Shear And Tension
- UDC 624.044:692.2:693.2 DOI: 10.33622/0869-7019.2020.08.31-42
Mikhail K. ISHCHUK, e-mail:
Reserch Institute of Building Constructions (TSNIISK) named after V. A. Koucherenko, Research Center of Construction, 2-ya Institutskaya ul., 6, Moscow 109428, Russian Federation
Vyacheslav L. ISHCHUK, e-mail:
CONFIGURATOR Business Studio, Partiyny pereulok, 1, korp. 11, Moscow 115093, Russian Federation
Abstract. The article discusses the main approaches to calculating the stone masonry by the finite elements method under flat stress state in the areas of separation and shear. It is shown that the calculation with the representation of masonry in the form of a micro-model, when the final elements of bricks and mortar and their connecting interface elements are set separately, makes it possible to get a reliable picture of the formation of cracks. In most cases of masonry calculation with its representation in the form of a macro-model, when an arbitrary breakdown of the structure into final elements with averaged deformation and strength characteristics is set, it was possible to obtain only a qualitative picture indicating the area of possible crack formation. The calculation of masonry with its representation in the form of a micro-model is mainly used for research purposes. The combined two-level method is more widely used, when the properties of the masonry are studied at a fragment limited in size in the form of a micro-model, and then these properties are assigned to the masonry of the entire structure, considered as a macro-model. The authors developed a specialized program KAMKON for calculating stone structures, in which masonry is presented as a macro-model. The program implements the finite element method taking into account constructive nonlinearity. Features of masonry operation, such as, for example, the quality of filling vertical joints with mortar, are taken into account. A complex criterion is used to check the strength of masonry and the permissible width of crack opening. The program was verified by comparing the results of calculations with experimental data.
Key words: stone masonry, flat stress state, finite element method, calculation algorithm, numerical methods, temperature-moisture deformations, criteria of masonry strength. - REFERENCES
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