- Low-Rise Frame Buildings With Reinforcement Tensioning Under Construction Conditions
- UDC 69.057.122:693.565 DOI: 10.33622/0869-7019.2020.08.24-30
Artem A. DAVIDYUK, å-mail:
Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (National Research University), Yaroslavskoe shosse, 26, Moscow 129337, Russian Federation
Teimuraz I. GULADZE, å
Design and Technological Bureau of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete, 2-ya Institutskaya ul., 6, str. 64, Moscow 109428, Russian Federation
Ewgeniy A. ZELENEV, e-mail:
Tver State Technical University, nab. Afanasiya Nikitina, 22, Tver 170026, Russian Federation
Abstract. The article describes the research of low-rise prefabricated-monolithic frame systems made of low-modulus concrete of various types (fine-grained, light and cellular) with the tension of floor reinforcement under construction conditions. Research has shown that it is possible to improve the technical-economic indicators of low-rise (up to three floors) systems by using existing reserves of bearing capacity when replacing heavy concrete with low-modulus concrete of various types, with the reinforcement tension on the concrete during construction. In addition, the use of low-modulus concretes in these frame systems will make it possible to use the small-piece elements: columns (consisting of four prefabricated elements) and floor slabs and coatings (consisting of three or more elements). At the same time, with a reduction in the size and weight of bearing structures, it is possible to use small mechanization (winches, telphers, hydraulic jacks) when constructing these frame systems, which is an advantage compared to the known precast concrete frame buildings, where heavy mechanization, which requires large material and labor costs, is necessary for the installation of structures.
Key words: low-rise prefabricated-monolithic frame systems, reinforcement tension under construction conditions, low-modulus concrete, reinforcement pre-stressing, columns, floor slabs, side elements. - REFERENCES
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