- Conceptual Hierarchy Of Models In The Theory Of Resistance Of Building Structures
- UDC 624. DOI: 10.33622/0869-7019.2020.08.16-23
Vladimir I. KOLCHUNOV, e-mail:
Southwest State University, 50 Let Oktyabrya ul., 94, Kursk 305040, Russian Federation
Victor S. FEDOROV, e-mail:
Russian University of Transport (MIIT), Obrazcova ul., 9, str. 9, Moscow 127994, Russian Federation
Abstract. An analysis of recent publications in the field of construction theory shows that in research practice, and especially in Russia, the emphasis is more and more shifted towards the mathematical modeling of physical processes and phenomena without proper physical justification of these phenomena and, all the more, without deep experimental verification. The article presents some results of the analysis of physical, calculation and mathematical models and the effectiveness of their practical implementation in relation to studies of the resistance of building structures. The structural level hierarchy of these models is shown. The possibilities of improving the models with the aim of their maximum approximation to the study of real phenomena in ongoing research are indicated. The continuity of the relations between the theory and mechanics of destruction of a solid body, basic research in the strength of building materials and the bearing capacity of structures, specific features of the deformation of reinforced concrete and its components are shown. Examples of transformations of physical models into calculation and mathematical models on the basis of accepting motivated hypotheses and using the results of correctly set experimental studies are presented.
Key words: physical models, calculation models, mathematical models, hypotheses, invariants, reliability. - REFERENCES
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