- Designing Structures For Exterior Walls Of Buildings At Adverse Environmental Effects
- UDC 692.23:699.8 DOI: 10.33622/0869-7019.2020.08.04-15
Vladimir T. EROFEEV1, e-mail:
Tatiana F. ELCHISHCHEVA2, e-mail:
Nikolay I. VATIN3, e-mail:
Elena A. MITINA1, e-mail:
Aleksandr I. RODIN1, e-mail:
Irina V. EROFEEVA1, e-mail:
1 National Research Ogarev Mordovia State University, ul. Bolshevistskaya, 68, Saransk 430005, Russian Federation
2 Tambov State Technical University, ul. Sovetskaya, 106, Tambov 392000, Russian Federation
3 Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, ul. Polytechnicheskaya, 29, Hydrobuilding-1, St. Petersburg 195251, Russian Federation
Abstract. The enclosing structures of buildings and facilities made of stone materials often contain inorganic hygroscopic salts and their mixtures in solid and liquid phases. Salts enter the walls from raw materials for the manufacture of building materials; from technological additives to concrete and mortars, which improve the properties of the mixture; from the soil in the absence or violation of horizontal waterproofing; from surrounding natural or industrial air. Salts increase the sorption moisture content of building materials due to their hygroscopicity and accumulate in the porous space in the form of solutions and crystals. The presence of salts in the porous space causes a change in the physic-chemical properties of building materials, reduces their strength (due to destructive changes in the material) and aesthetic qualities (due to the formation of salt crystals on the surface of building materials). High humidity contributes to the development of bio-pollution and the occurrence of bio-corrosion of materials. The purpose of the work is to increase the durability and performance of external building envelopes made of stone building materials. For this purpose, based on the analysis of the ways of salt penetration into the external enclosing structures and based on the results of field and laboratory studies, an algorithm for the design of external enclosing structures under the influence of salts has been developed. This approach makes it possible to create a reserve of properties of the external building envelopes and helps to increase the durability and performance of the external walls, increase the overhaul time, preserve the appearance of the walls of stone building materials at salt impact. Powder-activated concrete and three-layer building envelopes based on frame concrete are indicated as promising for the formation of building envelopes. Comparative porosity data of powder-activated and traditional concrete are presented. In the developed three-layer structures, the middle layer is made of large-porous concrete, which ensures the persistence of the heat-insulating properties of structures due to the removal of condensed moisture.
Key words: hygroscopic salts, raw components, building materials, exterior walls of buildings, powder concrete, three-layer structures. - REFERENCES
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