Published since 1923
DOI: 10.33622/0869-7019
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) на платформе Web of Science

  • Calculation Of Fire Resistance Of Compressed Reinforced Concrete Elements Taking Into Account The Heat And Technical Characteristics Of Reinforcement
  • UDC 624.012.4-183.2 DOI: 10.33622/0869-7019.2020.06.37-41
    Dmitry A. KOROLCHENKO, e-mail:
    Evgeny À. ARTEMYEV, e-mail:
    Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (National Research University), Yaroslavskoe shosse, 26, Moscow 129337, Russian Federation
    Abstract. The calculation of fire resistance of reinforced concrete elements depends on the accuracy of the thermal calculation. When performing this calculation, the distribution of the temperature field over the cross section of the element and the strength characteristics that depend on it are determined. The temperature distribution over the section of the structure depends on such parameters as the heat capacity and thermal conductivity of the section parts, and its humidity. The article considers an approach to solving the problem of taking into account the actual temperature field when calculating the fire resistance of reinforced concrete and steel-reinforced concrete elements. Fire resistance calculations were performed for temperature fields that do not take into account the inclusion of reinforcement (concrete section), as well as for temperature fields that take into account temperature inclusions. For the section under consideration, additional coefficients are calculated, which are entered into the calculation of fire resistance when using the method STO 36554501-006-2006 "Rules for ensuring the fire resistance and fire safety of reinforced concrete structures". According to the results of this work, an increase in the bearing capacity of rectangular and square sections was noted when calculating with regard to the thermal characteristics of the reinforcement.
    Key words: fire resistance, temperature heating, temperature field, compressed elements, thermal characteristics.
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  • For citation: Korolchenko D. A., Artemyev E. A. Calculation of Fire Resistance of Compressed Reinforced Concrete Elements Taking into Account the Heat and Technical Characteristics of Reinforcement. Promyshlennoe i grazhdanskoe stroitel'stvo [Industrial and Civil Engineering], 2020, no. 6, pp. 37-41. (In Russian). DOI: 10.33622/0869-7019.2020.06.37-41.