Published since 1923
DOI: 10.33622/0869-7019
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) на платформе Web of Science

  • Choosing The Method Of Construction Of The Underground Part Of The Building
  • UDC 624.1 DOI: 10.33622/0869-7019.2020.05.57-61
    Anatoly A. GONCHAROV, e-mail:
    Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (National Research University), Yaroslavskoe shosse, 26, Moscow 129337, Russian Federation
    Abstract. The main methods of construction of the underground part of buildings are given. It is shown that the choice of the method requires a mandatory technical and economic comparison of various options, since different construction methods can be used for almost any structural scheme of the underground part and under any hydrogeological conditions. An important role in choosing a method is to assess its reliability - ensuring compliance with all design parameters, as well as the integrity of buildings located in the zone of influence. The most serious justification requires the method "Top Down" (top-down), the use of which for some conditions leads to cheaper, but in most cases - to a significant increase in the cost of construction. For comparative analysis, a survey of several objects under construction in Moscow was performed and the design documentation of previously constructed objects using the "Top Down" method was studied. The performed approximate calculations showed that the use of this method leads, as a rule, to a significant increase in the cost of construction of the underground part.
    Key words: underground part of building, verticalslopes fastening, bored piles, slurry wall, "Top Down" method, open method of construction of underground part of building.
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  • For citation: Goncharov A. A. Choosing the Method of Construction of the Underground Part of the Building. Promyshlennoe i grazhdanskoe stroitel'stvo [Industrial and Civil Engineering], 2020, no. 5, pp. 57-61. (In Russian). DOI: 10.33622/0869-7019.2020.05.57-61.