- Reinforcement of Stretched Elements by Polymers Based on High-Strength Fiber
- UDC 624.014.2
Aleksandr I. DANILOV, e-mail:
Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (National Research University), Yaroslavskoe shosse, 26, Moscow 129337, Russian Federation
Ivan A. KALUGIN, e-mail:
PAO RKK Energia, ul. Lenina, 4A, Korolev city, Moscow Region 141070, Russian Federation
Abstract. The design of the reinforcement of a stretched element, which does not have local mechanical damages within the length of the reinforcement area, with glued symmetrically polymer tapes based on high-strength fiber is considered. Efficiency of application of polymeric materials on the basis of high-strength fiber with the use of glue connections is analyzed. The influence of such factors as the tensile elasticity modulus of polymer fibers, shear stiffness of the adhesive, the ratio of the stiffness of the reinforcement (polymer) and the stretched element and a number of other factors on the behavior of the connection was studied using the analytical approach and the finite element method. A comparison of the corresponding numerical results of the calculation of the strengthening of the steel strip with carbon fiber tapes was carried out. The results obtained show that the effectiveness of the strengthening use is the most significantly manifested in extreme situations, when in the absence of strengthening in the element, stresses close to the ultimate strength of steel can develop. For a preliminary assessment of the impact of various parameters on the work of the glued connection, the analytical approach is more effective.
Key words: glued connection, adhesive layer, shear strength, shear modulus, analytical solution, numerical experiment. - REFERENCES
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