Published since 1923
DOI: 10.33622/0869-7019
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) на платформе Web of Science

  • Scientific and Technical Support and Standard Requirements when Realizing Projects of Buildings and Structuress with Increased Level of Responsibility
  • UDC 721.011(083.75):624.07
    Ivan I. VEDYAKOV, e-mail:
    Pavel G. EREMEEV, e-mail:
    Dmitriy V. SOLOVYEV, e-mail:
    JSC Research Center of Construction, Research Institute of Building Constructions (TSNIISK) named after V. A. Koucherenko, 2-ya Institutskaya ul., 6, Moscow 109428, Russian Federation
    Abstract. When designing an object of increased responsibility, the scientific-technical supports (STS) is an integral part of the work in accordance with regulatory documents. At the same time, we have to deal with the fact that customers and design organization do not always understand and and not fully aware of the requirements for carrying out the STS and independent design control. This article analyzes the standard requirements for the STS design, manufacture and erection; the issues connected with the calculation for the progressive collapse are also highlighted. Based on existing experience, the list of procedures executed when realizing objects of КС-3 class (an increased level of responsibility) is given. It is established that the applicable regulatory framework has certain shortcomings that need to be corrected. In addition, it is noted that it is necessary to develop and link the regulatory requirements presented in various documents, in the issue of taking into account scenarios with the mandatory removal of one of the bearing elements. As the existing Russian and foreign experience shows, the most rational and economical method of ensuring safety, large-span structures in particular, from progressive collapse under emergency exposure, are preventive measures that take into account various emergency situations as much as possible, which should be fixed in the Russian Federation Standards.
    Key words: scientific and technical support (STS), buildings and structures with high level of responsibility, unique structures, especially dangerous objects, large-span structures, calculation for progressive collapse, independent design control.
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  • For citation: Vedyakov I. I., Eremeev P. G., Solovyev D. V. Scientific and Technical Support and Standard Requirements when Realizing Projects of Buildings and Structuress with Increased Level of Responsibility. Promyshlennoe i grazhdanskoe stroitel'stvo [Industrial and Civil Engineering], 2018, no. 12, pp. 14-19. (In Russian).