- Analysis of the Truss with Damaged Elements
- UDC 691.418
Alexander R. TUSNIN, e-mail:
Maria P. BERGER, e-mail:
Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (National Research University), Yaroslavskoe shosse, 26, Moscow 129337, Russian Federation
Abstract. Considerable practical interest is the calculation of the bearing capacity of large-span trusses, separate elements of which, in the course of operation, can be damaged due to hidden defects, design errors, manufacturing, installation, operation, accidents or terrorist impacts. The article deals with the work of damaged trusses with due regard for the dynamic effects which develop in the trusses, when individual rods are out of order. It is assumed that the flexural rigidity of the damaged truss influences on the dynamic forces in the structure. With this in mind, a formula is presented for determining the dynamic factor when calculating a damaged truss. The concepts of the "exclusion time" of the element from the calculation scheme and the "excluded element" are formulated. The technique of numerical calculation of damaged rod structures is presented. The dependencies of dynamic forces on the time of exclusion and the location of the excluded element are revealed. On the basis of the studies conducted, recommendations on determination of dynamic coefficients for carrying out calculations when designing trusses.
Key words: truss, survivability, progressive destruction, dynamic coefficient, time of exclusion. - REFERENCES
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