- Technology and Organization of Additive Construction
- UDC 69.001.5
Andrey Ð. PUSTOVGAR, e-mail:
Aleksey Î. ADAMTSEVICH, e-mail:
Andrey À. VOLKOV, e-mail:
Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (National Research University), Yaroslavskoe shosse, 26, Moscow 129337, Russian Federation
Abstract. Additive technologies, also known as 3D printing, use the principle of stage-by-stage (layer-by-layer) manufacture of physical objects based on their digital model. The application of additive technologies began with the aerospace industry, but, developing with time, they found application in other branches of science and technology. Today, this technology is increasingly used in industrial and civil construction. At the same time, the rate of development of additive technologies in construction in recent years makes it possible to forecast the possibility of relacing in a certain perspective the usual technological setup characteristic for modern construction industry and transition to the principles of additive construction based on a high level of automation and robotization of construction processes. Key trends in the development of technological and organizational aspects of additive construction are systematized and analyzed in this article with due regard for the prospects of using the 3D-printing technology in construction.
Key words: additive technologies, 3D printing, additive construction, building materials, automation of construction, construction 3D printers, systems engineering of construction, cybernetics of construction systems, organizational and technological reliability, cyber-physical construction system. - REFERENCES
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