Published since 1923
DOI: 10.33622/0869-7019
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) на платформе Web of Science

  • A Set of Rules "Permanent Formwork. Design Rules"
  • сдй 666.973.3
    Valentina F. STEPANOVA, e-mail:; Vladimir I. SAVIN, e-mail:
    Tamara ю. KUZMICH, e-mail:; Valeriy N. STROTSKIY, e-mail:
    JSC Research Center of Construction, NIIZHB named after A. A. Gvozdev, 2-ya Institutskaya ul., 6, korp. 5, Moscow 109428, Russian Federation
    Artem A. DAVIDYUK, e-mail:
    Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (National Research University), Yaroslavskoe shosse, 26, Moscow 129337, Russian Federation
    Abstract. The article describes the results of the development of the regulatory framework for the design and construction of enclosing and bearing structures (walls, ceilings, coverings and other elements) of buildings with the use of permanent formwork. In contrast to the removable formwork, after laying and curing of the concrete mix in it, permanent formwork becomes a structural element and should, along with concrete and reinforcement, be included in the calculated section when designing and operating of buildings and structures. The proposed construction technologies in the main parameters, such as bearing capacity, heat protection, sound insulation, comfort of living, simplicity and speed of construction, strength and durability, environmental and fire safety are related to highly efficient new technologies in construction. When implementing them, materials, constructive and technological solutions are used that have been tested for many years both in Russia and abroad. The developed set of rules "Permanent Formwork. Design Rules" establishes general requirements for the design of non-removable formwork, which is the base of construction of heat and energy efficient structures of buildings, structures and facilities of a new generation, made of formwork elements of factory manufacturing. The present set of rules is created for the development of the JV "Formwork. Design Rules", which is on approval, with the purpose of updating and harmonizing the normative documents in the construction sector and is aimed at the creation of heat and energy efficient buildings with the use of new types of permanent formwork.
    Key words: set of rules "Permanent Formwork. Design Rules", permanent formwork, normative and technical base, cement-chip slabs, light concretes, design and calculation of walls.
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  • For citation: Stepanova V. F., Savin V. I., Kuzmich T. ю., Strotskiy V. N., Davidyuk A. A. A Set of Rules "Permanent Formwork. Design Rules". Promyshlennoe i grazhdanskoe stroitel'stvo [Industrial and Civil Engineering], 2018, no. 7, pp. 21-27.