- Art of Management of Creation and Development of Special Economic Zones in Russian Regions
- сдй 69.003:658.011.8
Mikhail P. BUROV, e-mail:
State University of Land Use Planning, ul. Kazakova, 15, Moscow 105064, Russian Federation
Abstract. One of the effective modern macroeconomic tools for attracting foreign investments in the national economy, improving its competitiveness, as well as accelerating the technological development of the country and ensuring the accelerated introduction of digital technologies in the economy and social sphere is the creation of special economic zones. In addition, special economic zones are one of the mechanisms of interaction between government structures and business, when the state is responsible for the construction of infrastructure, and private business - for commercial projects to create a high-performance export-oriented sector in the basic branches of the national economy. It is assumed that the future development of the constituent areas of research and practice in the issues of Russia's entry into the top five largest economies of the world and ensuring economic growth rates above the world. These national goals and strategic objectives are based on innovative priority projects, tax incentives and preferences that allow the special economic zones to master the production of products using the latest technologies and create new jobs. The study is devoted to the art of managing the creation and development of special economic zones in Russia as an important integrated tool for complex development of territories and bringing them to a qualitative level, as well as the features of their involvement in the application of new technologies and improvement of regional infrastructures. The main practical directions for the improvement and development of models of management of special economic zones in Russia from planning and control over the expenditure of budgetary funds, as well as investments made by residents of special economic zones to the implementation of territory management are formulated.
Key words: special economic zone, competitiveness, complex development of territories, institutional mechanisms, territorial planning. - REFERENCES
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