- Architecture of Large-Span Translucent Covering of Football Stadiums
- UDC 725.826:796:69.024
Diana K. LEYKINA, e-mail:
Gennadiy V. OKEANOV, e-mail:
Central Scientific Research and Project Experimental Institute of Industrial Buildings and Constructions, Dmitrovskoe shosse, 46, korp. 2, Moscow 127238, Russian Federation
Abstract. The influence of functional, constructive and aesthetic factors on the architectural formation of large-span translucent coverings of modern football stadiums is considered; the interdependence of their form, planning and constructive structure is defined. An overview of modern building systems for translucent enclosing structures of large-span roofs of football stadiums is given. Based on the experience of design and construction of objects for the World Cup 2018 in Russia, the advisability of modular roofing architecture is shown, and the tendencies of their development are revealed. Methods for architectural organization of large-span translucent roofs of football stadiums with due regards for the specific climatic conditions in the Russian Federation are proposed. The necessity of harmonization of the external and internal spaces of the stadium through the organization of their visual relationship is substantiated. It is established that the operation of a football stadium in the daily mode requires the expansion of its functional capabilities with the help of mobile and transformable architectural structures of translucent roofing.
Key words: large-span translucent covering, football stadium, translucent enclosing structures, planning solution, arena lighting. - REFERENCES
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