Published since 1923
DOI: 10.33622/0869-7019
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) на платформе Web of Science

  • Experimental Study of Stress-Strain State of Three-Phase Soils When the Pressure Changes on Their Surface
  • UDC 624.138
    Lyudmila I. CHERKASOVA, e-mail:
    Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (National Research University), Yaroslavskoe shosse, 26, Moscow 129337, Russian Federation
    Abstract. The results of laboratory studies of compaction of weak water-saturated soils by surface vacuuming are presented. Samples of three different materials were studied in odometers: loam, peat and foam in three following schemes: compaction under the press, compaction by vacuuming at full isolation of the sample from the environment and when fed with water under atmospheric pressure. Also, experiments on compaction of water-saturated peat by surface vacuuming under the screens were carried out at a special installation. The vacuum was created under the circular hermetic screens of different sizes and rigidity. As shown by the results of experiments, the mechanism of compaction of weak water-saturated soils when vacuuming is characterized by the action of volumetric filtration forces. On the basis of solving equations describing the consolidation of fully water-saturated soil under equivalent load, the forecast of soil sediment, when vacuuming, was made. In a one-dimensional problem, the process of compaction during vacuuming and under an equivalent load occurs almost equally, which is explained by the equal magnitude of the stresses acting along the height of the compressible layer. In the spatial conditions during the vacuuming, in contrast to the seal load, there is no heaving of the soil around the perimeter of the sealing surface area, which significantly increases the efficiency of this method.
    Key words: laboratory experiments, compaction, water-saturated soils, consolidation, surface vacuuming, filtration flow.
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  • For citation: Cherkasova L. I. Experimental Study of Stress-Strain State of Three-Phase Soils when the Pressure Changes on Their Surface. Promyshlennoe i grazhdanskoe stroitel'stvo [Industrial and Civil Engineering], 2018, no. 5, pp. 55-60. (In Russian).