- Modern Insurance of Construction Risks
- UDC 69.003:65.014
Mark Yu. ABELEV, e-mail:
Irina D. MAKHOVA, e-mail:
Center for Innovative Technologies in Construction of Institute DPO GASIS of National Research University Higher School of Economics, Profsouznaya ul., 33, korp. 4, Moscow 117418, Russian Federation
Abstract. The practice of construction risks insurance shows that the work quality increases significantly both when carrying out engineering surveys and when designing industrial and civil structures. The process of construction of civil, industrial and transport structures takes a long time: from the beginning of engineering and geological surveys to the full completion of construction. In many cases, mistakes made when designing can reveal themselves only after the construction is completed. Increased requirements for insurance of civil liability risk can significantly improve the quality of construction and installation works, conduct additional examinations and prevent possible damages. Currently, Investors place high demands on the financial stability of the construction company, the relationship between risk and profitability is important for them. Besides, there is a growing interest in the quality of management at all stages of the construction projects implementation. The consequences of unmanageable risks associated with design errors, unsatisfactory quality of materials, and violations, when conducting construction and installation works, have been demonstrated by numerous anthropogenic accidents of the latter years. It is concluded that the insurance of construction risks makes it possible to significantly increase the responsibility of all participants of construction process for compliance with existing building codes and regulations as well as improve the quality control over construction and installation works.
Key words: insurance of construction risks, quality of construction anfd installation works, construction process, quality of management, expertise, technogenic accidtents. - REFERENCES
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