- Seismic Resistance of Three-Layer Wall Panels with Flexible Glass Plastic Connections
- UDC 666.982.2:698.841
Arkady V. GRANOVSKY, e-mail:
Murad R. CHUPANOV, e-mail:
JSC Research Center of Construction, Research Institute of Building Constructions (TSNIISK) named after V. A. Koucherenko, 2-ya Institutskaya ul., 6, Moscow 109428, Russian Federation
Anton G. KOVRIGIN, e-mail:
The Biysk Factory for Making Glass-Fiber Reinforced Plastics, Leningradskaya ul., 60/1, Biysk 659316, Altai Krai, Russian Federation
Abstract. The state of the normative base in the field of design of reinforced concrete three-layer wall panels with flexible connections is analyzed. Data on existing standards in the field of design of structures with the use of composite materials both in our country and abroad are presented. Results of the experimental study of reinforced concrete three-layer wall panels with flexible glass plastic connections on the effect of dynamic load simulating seismic impacts of 7-9 points intensity according to the MSK-64 scale are presented. Dynamic tests were conducted on the two- component vibro-platform of a pendulum type with the help of which dynamic impacts were simulated both in vertical and horizontal directions. In the process of dynamic tests of three-layer panels have been considered three variants of location of panels in relation to the horizontal dynamic load of vibro-platform acting along the length and height of the panel as well as in relation to the perpendicular plane of the facing layer of the panel. At all stages of dynamic testing, the inner layer of the panel at the level of its top and bottom is rigidly fixed to the vibro-platform that makes it possible to study the operation of flexible connections connecting the free facing layer with the inner one. As a result of dynamic tests at the set rigidity of connections, data on the factor of transfer of horizontal and vertical vibrations from the inner layer of the panel to its facing layer have been obtained. It is noted that for this constructive system of the three-layer panel with flexible connections, the amplitude of vibrations of the facing layers practically does not differ from vibrations of the inner layer.
Key words: three-layer wall panels, flexible connections of glass-plastic reinforcement, vibro-platform, dynamic loads, amplitude-frequency spectrum. - REFERENCES
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