- Actualization of Ñode of Rules 28.13330.2017 "Protection of Building Structures Against Corrosion"
- UDC 620.197(083.75)
Valentina F. STEPANOVA, e-mai:
Nikolay Ê. ROSENTAL, e-mail:
Galina V. CHEHNIY, e-mail:
JSC Research Center of Construction, NIIZHB named after A. A. Gvozdev, 2-ya Institutskaya ul., 6, korp. 5, Moscow 109428, Russian Federation
Abstract. Changes that have taken place since the entry in the force of SP 28.13330.2012 "Protection of Building Structures against Corrosion" are made in the actualized version of SP 28.13330.2017. Experience of application of SP 28.13330 by production and design organizations is taken into account. Additional tables concerning the protection of structures against biological corrosion are introduced; a number of paragraphs and subsections are described more detailed. The actualized Code of Rules is a fundamental document that's why characteristics of materials, requirements for protection of structures against corrosion should be used in other normative documents relating to the issues of the design of protection of building structures against corrosion. The use of the standard makes it possible to improve the reliability of assessment of the degree of aggressive environmental impact on building structures, significantly simplify and make less costly measures of protection against corrosion, due to the use of modern efficient materials including, to increase the inter-repair periods of operation of building structures, as well as to improve the safety of buildings and structures.
Key words: protection of building structures against corrosion, aggressive environment, water impermeability, sulphate resistance, frost resistance, diffusion permeability for chlorides. - REFERENCES
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