- Ðroblems and Directions of Improving the Training of Personnel in the Context of Implementing the Strategy of Innovative Development of Construction Industry
- UDC 69.007
Vasily A. PRASLOV, å-mail:
Inna I. AKULOVA, å-mail:
Tatyana V. SHCHUKINA, å-mail:
Voronezh State Technical University, ul. 20 letiya Oktyabrya, 84, Voronezh 394006, Russian Federation
Abstract. Modern problems of the personnel training for the construction industry are considered. The stages and processes of personnel training are indicated, their interrelation with programming of development of a building complex is shown. The main problems formed due to the inconsistency between the requirements of the currently implemented strategy of innovative development and the existing system of personnel training are highlighted, namely: the lack of relevance of existing educational standards and programs, the reduction of the level of necessary engineering training and practical skills of graduates of universities, lack of proper professionalism of skilled workers. The system-wide problems of personnel training include the structural deficit of certain categories of workers; absence of an effective multi-level system of continuous training and retraining of personnel; reduction in the number of students entering educational institutions of construction profile; decrease of interest of enterprises and organizations in retraining of employees; falling interest among graduates of educational institutions for further professional activities in the construction industry, etc. Taking into account the above-mentioned urgent problems, directions and a set of organizational, structural and vocational-educational measures for improving the sectoral training of personnel are identified. As modern forms of training for specialists, modular vocational training programs have been identified, they should be developed on the basis of consideration of sectoral priorities and professional competencies that ensure the solution of innovative tasks of improving the efficiency of construction production.
Key words: personnel training, innovative development of construction industry, educational standards and programs. - REFERENCES
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