Published since 1923
DOI: 10.33622/0869-7019
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) на платформе Web of Science

  • Wood as a Building Material: Problems and Prospects of Use
  • UDC 691.11:674.21
    Valentina V. ZOZULYA, e-mail:
    Ol'ga V. ROMANCHENKO, e-mail:
    Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Stremyanny per., 36, Moscow 117997, Russian Federation
    Viktor V. SAKHANOV, e-mail:
    State Research Center for the Timber Industry Complex, N. Syromyatnicheskaya ul., 5/3a, Moscow 105120, Russian Federation
    Andrey A. FITCHIN, e-mail:
    Mytishi branch of Bauman Moscow State Technical University, 1-ya Institutskaya ul., 1, Mytischi 141005, Russian Federation
    Abstract. According to the "Concept of Long-Term Social and Economic Development of the Russian Federation for the period until 2020," one of the directions for the development of housing construction should be low-rise wooden housing, including the use of prefabricated wooden structures on the basis of modern technologies. Wood, unlike other building materials, is a renewable resource, it has a high specific strength, processability in application, decorative and environmental friendliness. The effectiveness of the use of wood in wooden housing construction is shown on the example of a number of industrially developed countries, including the European Union, the USA and Canada. Based on the analysis, the authors determined the directions and scale of the development of innovative production of construction materials based on wood, wood-composite products and wood-based sheet materials, including when used in the construction for the foreseeable future until 2030. The main problems that hamper the use of new materials based on wood in housing and civil construction, including wooden and low-rise housing are considered. Results of the study make it possible to conclude that there is a significant share of modern wood materials in civil engineering, in housing construction especially. The most significant effect from the use of wood can be achieved in low-rise construction.
    Key words: timber industry complex, wooden and low-rise housing, civil engineering, innovative wood materials, production capacity.
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  • For citation: Zozulya V. V., Romanchenko O. V., Sakhanov V. V., Fitchin A. A. Wood as a Building Material: Problems and Prospects of Use. Promyshlennoe i grazhdanskoe stroitel'stvo [Industrial and Civil Engineering], 2018, no. 2, pp. 67-71.