Published since 1923
DOI: 10.33622/0869-7019
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) на платформе Web of Science

  • Improving Reliability of Testing Concrete Strength by Non-Destructive Methods on the Basis of Their Combination
  • UDC 666.972.038:620.179
    Dmitry U. SNEZHKOV, e-mail:
    Sergei N. LEONOVICH, e-mail:
    Belarus National Technical University, prosp. Nezavisimosti, 65, Ìinsk 220013, Republic Belarus
    Abstract. The discrepancy between estimates of the concrete strength when using different non-destructive test methods is a well-known fact. The use of calibration dependences for the concrete testing in situ is always associated with the influence on the test results of such factors, which were absent in the process of calibration tests. The article discusses the issues of combining of non-destructive standard methods of concrete strength testing: ultrasonic pulse method and rebound resilience method. Combining these non-destructive testing techniques makes it possible not only to reduce the error when estimating the strength of concrete structures, and to enhance monitoring by expanding the list of controlled parameters of concrete, in particular, its modulus of elasticity. A necessary condition for effective integration of physically different methods is their complementarity which is a consequence of differences in the physics of measurement processes. It can manifest itself in the mutual compensation of sensitivity of combined methods against disturbing factors. Another manifestation of complementarity is the possibility to extrapolate the data of one test method to the area where it physically can't be applied. The second test method plays the extrapolating (calibration) role. The article presents the data of concrete strength testing of monolithic columns by the combined method. An acceptable precision of concrete strength control can be obtained on the basis of standardized test methods without using the correction procedure of their calibration dependencies.
    Key words: concrete, non-destructive testing, ultrasonic technique, indentation, combination, additive algorithm, multiplicative algorithm, complementarity, correlation.
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  • For citation: Snezhkov D. U., Leonovich S. N. Improving Reliability of Testing Concrete Strength by Non-Destructive Methods on the Basis of Their Combination. Promyshlennoe i grazhdanskoe stroitel'stvo [Industrial and Civil Engineering], 2018, no. 1, pp. 25-32.