- Principles of Area Zoning of Hilly Territories for Building Development
- UDC 624.131
Lu SHENGPING, e-mail:
Aleksei M. MARTINOV, e-mail:
Alisher G. KABIROV, e-mail: kabirov.alishaer
Sergey N. CHERNYSHEV, e-mail:
Andrey A. LAVRUSEVICH, e-mail:
Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (National Research University), Yaroslavskoe shosse, 26, Moscow 129337, Russian Federation
Abstract. The actual problem of substantiating the construction of industrial and civil structures on inconvenient territories, which locate on the slopes and adjoining plains area, due to the manifestation of dangerous natural processes is considered. Land scarcity on developed territories leads to the necessity to involve the areas adjacent to slopes in economic circulation. The solution of the problem is aimed at protecting suburban green spaces and farmlands by compacting the intracity development. It is shown that, on the basis of studying the processes within engineering surveys, the area of the slope and the plains adjoining to slopes can be zoned with the allocation of sites that are safe for development, as well as areas with different degrees of danger that can be used under the condition of engineering protection against hazardous engineering and geological processes. The problem is considered in relation to the conditions existing in Russia, China, Tajikistan, where authors in different years conducted research and studies. A scheme for the typical zoning of slopes and hilly territories is proposed, and its application to the regions of these countries is considered. The proposed methodology can be used in the course of engineering surveys to justify master plans of cities.
Key words: construction, master plan, slope, plain, pseudokarst, landslides, flooding, collapses, mudflows, engineering-geological zoning. - REFERENCES
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